Bibliometric Analysis on Public Institutional Performance in State Organizations
public institutional performance, state organizations, organizational management, public management, research, state, bibliometric analysisAbstract
Public institutional performance is an area of study that emerged as a strategy to regain trust lost by citizens towards the State and its organizations in the 1980's. Even though in the academy it is known that there is information on this topic, there is no precise data on its research development. Therefore, the present article aims to present the results of a bibliometric analysis focused on the on public institutional performance. A documentary review of publications directly related to the topic in the period 2010-2020 was carried out. The bibliometric analysis determined that research on public institutional performance is a growing field in academia and there is an interest in studying the performance and efficiency of public organizations from different methodological approaches. However, it is evident that the bibliographic production is still centered on authors and universities in the United States and Western Europe. In this direction, it is suggested that studies on public institutional performance be strengthened with research programs that, from other sociocultural and geopolitical contexts, recognize other realities and problems in the management of state organizations.
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