The non-verbal language of recreational diving. Semiotic and terminological analysis


  • David Alberto Londoño Universitaria de Envigado



non-verbal language, specialized communication, recreational diving, harmonization, con-ceptual mobile units


In recreational diving specialized communication, non-verbal language is an important aspect in information exchange; since, non verbal diving language meets the characteristics of a specialized communication by means of the specificity of the communicative act and the importance of it in submersion, where diver’s security depends on clarity, precision, mode and relevance of the information transmission by means o non verbal code in context. The methodology used in the research work was qualitative. Therefore, elements applied to the data collection were addressed to identify, determine, put in order, analyze and classify collected corpus, in this case, conceptual units in normative use of recreational diving non verbal language among the members of three recreational diving schools, whose divers are certified by the agencies: Professional Association of Scuba Instructors (PADI) and Confédération Mondiales des Activités Subaquatiques (CMAS); and four diving schools‘ handbooks in Medellin, Cartagena, and Germany who were certified by some of both agencies. Regarding to its analysis method, this was onomasiological approach. Finally, it was possible to analyze and ratify that communicative act taken in diving non verbal language, from terminology theory, are compounded by Mobile Conceptual Units (UCM in Spanish), which are created and assimilated them, initially, by means of divers´ didactics-pragmatics thought. It was able to be recognized that conceptual system is built by pre-established UCM, according to specific contexts, non-normalized.

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Author Biography

David Alberto Londoño, Universitaria de Envigado

Master in Linguistics. Professor of the Envigado University Institution, Medellín, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Londoño, D. A. (2010). The non-verbal language of recreational diving. Semiotic and terminological analysis. Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 32(2), 253–285.


