Library science and information studies literature: a critical analysis of Latindex


  • José Adolfo Rodríguez Gallardo National Autonomous University of Mexico



Latindex, journals, bibliometry, librarianship, information sciences, Latin America


This document offers an analysis about the usefulness of Latindex for the development of bibliometric studies, for which purpose journals in the fields of library and information sciences included within this database are analyzed. General data are provided about journals and serial publications issued in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal, among which the number of issues produced per country, the languages of such issues, the publishing entities, and the status and type of journals are included. In addition, the inclusion of publications in secondary sources is explored, as well as the organization and recovery of information in Latindex.

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Author Biography

José Adolfo Rodríguez Gallardo, National Autonomous University of Mexico

Magister in History, Magister in Library Science. PhD in Pedagogy from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Senior Researcher at the University Center for Library Research of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Mexico D.F., Mexico.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Gallardo, J. A. (2010). Library science and information studies literature: a critical analysis of Latindex. Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 32(2), 335–365.


