Archives and regional development: policies for a new territorial conception in Colombia


  • María Janneth Álvarez Álvarez Universidad de La Salle
  • Julio Alberto Parra Acosta Universidad de La Salle



public archives, archive policy, archive legislation, archive services, city-region, Colombia


Abstract The article presents the results of the research on public policies for archives, done with the objective of configuring mechanisms for the establishment of normative and procedure frames that guarantee the access to the information in the archives and to seek its advantage, availability, and benefit in favor of citizen participation. The research, of qualitative and quantitative character, used the survey modality, applied to 402 individuals in five municipalities of Cundinamarca and three areas of the city of Bogotá, Colombia, which make up a city-region, and enabled to identify that citizens do not know the information mechanisms offered by the State; that in many places there are no archives, even though there is a law ruling over them; and that the use of these is very poor, even knowing about their existence. It concludes that the cities-regions have not been serviced in their information needs, nor there has been a good dissemination of the existing mechanisms to solve this issue. There is a public policy proposal to disseminate the information in the archives.

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Author Biographies

María Janneth Álvarez Álvarez, Universidad de La Salle

Librarian and Archivist; Master in teaching. Professor of the Information and Documentation Systems, Library and Archives Program, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Universidad de La Salle, Bogotá, Colombia

Julio Alberto Parra Acosta, Universidad de La Salle

Librarian and Archivist; Master in teaching. Professor of the Information and Documentation Systems, Library and Archives Program, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Universidad de La Salle, Bogotá, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Álvarez Álvarez, M. J., & Parra Acosta, J. A. (2011). Archives and regional development: policies for a new territorial conception in Colombia. Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 34(1), 23–33.


