Bibliometric Analysis of the Scientific Impact of Single-Authored Articles in Brazilian Journals of Information




single authorship, scientific impact, scientific journal, bibliometrics, information fields, Brazil



 This research aims to describe the scientific impact of single-authored articles published in Brazilian journals in information-related fields (Archival, Library Science, Information Science and Museology) between 2009 and 2017. This is a bibliometric study of a descriptive character, with an applied quantitative methodological approach. The ABCDM database, the Harzing’s Publish or Perish software and the Lattes Platform were used for data collection, which were then fed into and analyzed as Excel table and SPSS (t-test). From 1680 single-authored articles, 313 were randomly selected for study. Main results regarding the authorship were: 55.12% of authors had more single-authored articles than multiple-authored articles; 67.36% of the most cited articles were single-authored. Main results regarding the articles were: 35.10% of single-authored articles were the most frequently cited among an author’s entire body of work; in 49.67% of the cases, the average number of citations of single-authored articles exceeded the authors’ total average number of citations; in 50.00% of cases, the average number of citations of single-authored articles exceeded the average number of citations of multiple-authored articles. The average number of citations of single-authored articles exceeded the average number of citations of multiple-authored articles and of articles in general.

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Biografia do Autor

Daniela Gralha de Caneda Queiroz, Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul

Doctora en Ciencias de la Información por la Universidad de Brasília. Magíster en Comunicación e Información y licenciada en Biblioteconomía por la Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.


 Jayme L. Vilan Filho, Universidad de Brasilia

Doctor en Ciencias de la Información, Universidad de Brasília. Madíster en Bibliotecología y Documentación, Universidad de Brasília. Licenciado en Procesamiento de Datos, Universidad de Brasília. Profesor de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Información, Universidad de Brasilia, Brasil.


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Como Citar

Gralha de Caneda Queiroz, D., & VilanFilho, JaymeL. (2024). Bibliometric Analysis of the Scientific Impact of Single-Authored Articles in Brazilian Journals of Information. Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 48(1).


