El devenir de lo público en el interés de la profesión contable


  • Jennifer Carvajal Martinez Universidad del Valle


public, public interest, private interest, public faith, accounting


This essay addresses the concerns and reflections of a student of Public Accounting regarding the relationship between the public, public interest and the accounting profession in the framework of being able to contribute to the development of this, beyond the role that has been assigned to it today, that is, its role in the path of the construction of the public, of the evolution of the public in Colombia. Likewise, the text will be approached transversally from the following points of view: academic, social as those left by the Social Outbreak of 2021 and historical, such as those of the social movements, in this case with emphasis on the student movement.

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How to Cite

Carvajal Martinez, J. (2022). El devenir de lo público en el interés de la profesión contable. Adversia, (29). Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/adversia/article/view/351704