Comparative Analysis of Social and Environmental Responsibility in Both Public and Private Sectors
Social Responsibility, Social and Environmental Accounting, Social and Environmental Report, Public and Private SectorsAbstract
this paper is based on the analysis of the concept of social responsibility (SR) referring to the concept of “social responsibility assumed active”. Subsequently, with regard to the bodies that may be subject to SR, those that make up the public sector are distinguished from those of the private one (profit and nonprofit or third sector). A comparative analysis of the relevant features of these three sectors is carried out reflecting on their social responsibilities and their obligation to report on this matter. On the other hand, the right to be informed by the people who interact with these three sectors is tackled. There are conclusions about • the importance of assuming the social responsibility that is incumbent on each sector, • the advisability of the accounting processing of socio-environmental impacts generated by their actions and of the systematic report, • the need to include in its regulatory framework the obligation to report on the exercise of suchresponsibilities.
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