Accounting for Social Dignity: Critical Theory Contributions for the Construction of a New International Dimension for Accounting


  • Gabriel Rueda Delgado Pontifical Javeriana University



international accounting, critical social theory, accounting for society, democratic culture, interdisciplinary nature


With the promulgation of the Act 1314 / 2009 and of the various standards regulating the
accounting profession internationally, it is clear that the neoliberal model which promotes the free
movement of financial capital has permeated more strongly the Colombian economy. In this sense,
this paper aims to review the contribution that the Critical Theory of society can make in the interest
of proposing accounting options that boost global integration of the national economy in benefit not
only of the market, but also of society at large. The analysis proposes a challenge for accounting
around its real international dimension. This goes beyond standardization, which can be achieved
through Critical Theory in order to find an accounting for society
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How to Cite

Rueda Delgado, G. (2013). Accounting for Social Dignity: Critical Theory Contributions for the Construction of a New International Dimension for Accounting. Contaduría Universidad De Antioquia, (57), 203–219.


