Transparency mechanisms recommended by the codes of conduct signed by non-profit making entitiesAbstract


  • María de Fátima Da Silva Serra Universidade Federal do Rio Grande



Non-profit making entities, codes of conduct, transparency of results


Codes of conduct are liability agreements arising as behavior guides and as terms of commitment
to society, therefore, when an entity signs them it commits to comply with the parameters set forth therein, and expects in return trust in its actions. Given its importance, this paper analyses a group of codes aimed to the third-sector non-profit making entities from Spain, among which are the “Accountability Charter”, the NGOscode of conduct for the NGOD Coordinator for Development-Spain, the Code of Ethics of the Asociación
de Entidades de Iniciativa e Intervención Social de Bizkaia – Gizardatz, and the Guía de la Transparencia
y las buenas prácticas de las ONG (NGOs Guide of Transparency and Good Practices) of the Fundación
Lealtad. It is concluded that these codes determine the compliance of the principle of transparency and the
management of governing bodies of non-profit making entities
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How to Cite

Da Silva Serra, M. de F. (2015). Transparency mechanisms recommended by the codes of conduct signed by non-profit making entitiesAbstract. Contaduría Universidad De Antioquia, (63), 15–33.


