The Intangibles and their relation with the Global Competitiveness Index -GCI applied to Colombia
intangibles, Innovation and Development (I&D), international methodologies, International Financial Reporting Standards, financial accountingAbstract
This document is an academic reflection, arising from a primary documentary review on the subject of intangibles. In this article, a description of intangible assets in relation to their concept and importance is provided, as well as an analysis on the information published by the Superintendence of Corporations in Colombia about the frequency in which companies recognize and measure this item in the Financial Statements which 2015 is the cut-off year. Given that the Colombian accounting systems are currently migrating to the presentation of Financial Statements under the IFRS, reality requires the provision of other kind of information for users who demonstrate their wealth and non-perceptible added values within the accounting system. It is necessary to clarify that the issue of intangibles is crucial and is in its construction phase, in terms of defining methodologies that are in line with the logic of the global market.
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