Defending accountability


  • Edwin Torres University of Antioquia



accounting, financial analysis, reviews, financial statements, utility


Nowadays, we hear concepts and find some articles that strongly criticize the usefulness of the accounting and Financial Statements. In the universities, companies, training forums, magazines and even in the economic analysis from the banks and other financial institutions, it is common to find statements, in which the accounting are no longer used because of its limitations towards the future notions of future and intangibles, but resorts to new financial indicators like EVA, FCF, NPV, etc. to make credit and investment decisions. This reflection article explains, through a rigorous analysis of the articles investigated, the non-recognized importance to the accounting, by these new financial analysts, professors and thinkers, as a source and base for these new indicators. It broadens the perspectives and allows to understand other points of views that, at the moment of issuing such concepts, have been omitted.

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Author Biography

Edwin Torres, University of Antioquia

Accountant from the University of Antioquia, Specialist in Finance and Master in Financial Administration from the EAFIT University. Accountant, for 15 years, in companies in the Automotive, Investments, Textiles and Medicines sectors Administrative and Financial Director for 4 years, in the sectors of commerce of mass consumer products, Pigs and Livestock.


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How to Cite

Torres, E. (2018). Defending accountability. Contaduría Universidad De Antioquia, (70), 181–195.


