Exploring disclosure of integrated information by Colombian universities. A web page analysis based on the IIRC framework





Integrated Information, Universities, QS Ranking 2019, Colombia, IIRC


Integrated reporting is a recently emerging phenomenon allowing various organizations to report on their management of different types of capital in a simplified but comprehensive manner. Although Integrated reporting has mainly been developed in private companies, at global level it has been recognized that other types of organizations, such as universities, disclose this information or have the need and potential to do so. This paper aims to analyze to what extent the information requested to build an integrated report, in accordance with the requirements of the IIRC Conceptual Framework, is already disclosed on the internet by the Colombian universities included in the QS 2019 ranking. To this end, a compliance index was constructed based on a checklist. The results suggest that the level of disclosure is heterogeneous across universities, with the business model being the most disclosed unit of analysis. 

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How to Cite

Salamanca-López, D. Y., Suárez-Rico, Y. M., & Gimeno-Ruiz, M. A. (2021). Exploring disclosure of integrated information by Colombian universities. A web page analysis based on the IIRC framework. Contaduría Universidad De Antioquia, (79), 161–192. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rc.n79a07




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