Corporate social responsibility as a mechanism to promote health institutions in Colombia
RSE, SSGSS, Stakeholders, IPSAbstract
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been positioned in recent years as an alternative to support the management of various institutions to meet the needs of stakeholders with whom it interacts in the production dynamics. In this sense, the purpose of the study is to analyze the contributions that can be derived from the incorporation of CSR guidelines in the management of Health Provider Institutions (or IPS) as a mechanism for their promotion. Based on a documentary design, this paper explores the academic literature related to CSR and its potential for integration with health institutions in Colombia. Therefore, the problem is addressed using qualitative approach tools by researching the main journals and mainstream articles. CSR integration into management brings multiple benefits for the organization; specifically, in the health sector it significantly supports activities of a social nature, thus achieving better stakeholder perception.
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- 2022-03-01 (1)
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