Sports and recreation. Betting on peace in the squatter settlement Granizal municipality Bello, Antioquia


  • Arnulfo Hurtado Cerón Universidad de Antioquia
  • Marisofía Pinilla Barco Universidad de Antioquia
  • Walter Ethiel Valoyes Álvarez Universidad de Antioquia
  • Jaime Adrián Montoya Palma Universidad de Antioquia


Social cohesion, sports, education, peace strategies, leisure, recreation


The long-term armed conflict in Colombia is one of the most prominent social problems in the country’s history, affecting the most vulnerable populations and causing displacement to urban peripheries. One example is the rural settlement of Granizal, in Bello (Antioquia), where people fleeing the suffering caused by the conflict in search of better living conditions have settled since the 1980s. Today, nearly 30,000 people live there, facing serious social problems such as lack of health care, education, drug addiction, domestic violence, poor public services, inadequate housing, and territorial control by illegal armed groups. However, several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and educational institutions have been working for years to mitigate these problems through strategies such as sports and recreation for peace. This research identifies how sport and recreation contribute to peacebuilding in the community. The methodology used was based on Galeano's (2004) qualitative social research strategy, which interprets human actions and expressions in language systems. To this end, interviews were conducted with sports leaders, youth participants in the program, project coordinators, and community members, and a desk review was conducted. In addition, a recreational program for older adults in the area was promoted. Thirteen NGOs were identified, such as foundations, corporations, and religious and social community organizations; five higher education institutions and two government departments were identified that develop programs and projects focused on community social sports, recreation, physical activity for health, and traditional games. These initiatives have contributed to the creation of life projects, drug prevention, the reduction of child recruitment, the creation of spaces for leisure, the empowerment of communities, the strengthening of leadership, the generation of installed capacities, and the promotion of a culture of community peace and social cohesion. In conclusion, sport and recreation are strategies that contribute significantly to social transformation and peace building in the region.

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How to Cite

Hurtado Cerón, A., Pinilla Barco, M., Valoyes Álvarez, W. E., & Montoya Palma, J. A. (2024). Sports and recreation. Betting on peace in the squatter settlement Granizal municipality Bello, Antioquia. Expomotricidad, 2024. Retrieved from



4º Congreso Internacional de Ocio y Recreación