Autobiography and bodily practices in teacher training to a culture of peace
autobiography, culture of peace, ethnography of education, teacher training, bodily practices, social transformationAbstract
Through historical knowledge, reflection and critical analysis of being, knowledge, power and teaching, the curriculum of the Instituto Universitario de Educación Física y Deporte (Institute of Physical Education and Sports) of the Universidad of Antioquia seeks to understand the historical roots of the armed conflict in Colombia and its impact on local communities, in order to contribute to the reconstruction of the social fabric. In this sense, the orientation of the programs gives the Institute's interns the opportunity to face educational challenges in contexts of social vulnerability in the Santo Domingo neighborhood of Medellin, to promote a culture of peace and social transformation through physical and aesthetic practices and innovative methodologies. This article describes an experience with three goals: (1) to train interns, teachers, and directors ethically, critically, and politically, emphasizing their role as state officials for peace building in a marginalized community; (2) to strengthen the role of the university in training professionals for areas that are victims of conflict; and (3) to critically analyze the role of interns in the academic-community environment. To this end, an interdisciplinary study was designed that integrated knowledge dialog, pedagogical ethnography, research-action-reflection circles, and the use of art as a training tool. The research was based on the autobiographical account of the student to analyze the main experiences and relationships that underlie the realization of their pedagogical internship of interest, so that narrative inquiry is both method and object of study. The results showed a significant impact on the training of new teachers, focusing on the social, historical and political relevance of educational practices in post-conflict contexts. In addition, social inclusion and community cohesion have been promoted through pedagogical strategies adapted to social needs and a sensitive territorial understanding.
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