The epistemic spiral in bodily pedagogical practices: the resignification of university training in physical education


  • Pedro Nel Urrea Roa Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios


corporeality, physical education, pedagogy of the body, pedagogy of movement, systematization of experience


To write this paper, I'm reflecting on my experience as a physical education teacher at the Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios (Colombia), where I carried out a systematization of the experiences of bodily pedagogical practices that relate the students' bodies to their learning process. This systematization of bodily experience addresses two learning scenarios: pedagogy of the body and pedagogy of movement, whose conceptual axis is corporeality. Both scenarios are available as options for all majors at the university. We all know that our body empowers us, ages, gets sick, changes, and is also exposed to a mechanistic world that considers it a simple machine. From here, my intention was to explore with the students their experiences, feelings, and knowledge of the various practices related to the body through the concepts of corporeality and embodiment, both intrinsic and extrinsic, to understand what it means to learn with and from the body. In this context, complexity emerges as one of the key aspects of the spiral concept, which articulates biopedagogy, ethics, and the aesthetics of knowledge. The spiral concept transforms the classical notion of physical exercise and gives it a character of experimentation, exploration, research and play, linking knowledge and permeating our actions, feelings and learning. This experience arises from the need to understand how we function as structures in order to recognize that there are different ways of understanding reality.

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How to Cite

Urrea Roa, P. N. (2024). The epistemic spiral in bodily pedagogical practices: the resignification of university training in physical education. Expomotricidad, 2024. Retrieved from



5ª Conferencia Internacional de Formación Universitaria de los Profesionales del Campo