History and social communication: some analytic vectors to explore a problematic (inter) relationship


  • Janny Amaya Trujillo University of Guadalajara


history, social communication, social memory, historical source


Which have been some of the axes more appellant in the conceptualization of the mutual (inter) relationships between the social practices of communication and history? From a critical review of the theoretical literature on the topic, the authoress describes some of the arguments and theoretical fundamental positions in this line of reflection, still insufficiently articulated, on which they converge looked from both fields of the discipline. Particularly, this essay synthesizes three vectors in these relations: 1) The conception of the mass media as historical source; 2) The consideration of the social prectices of communication as constitutive processes of the historical dynamics; and 3) The reflections concerning the place of the mass media in the culture and the historical memory of the contemporary society.

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Author Biography

Janny Amaya Trujillo, University of Guadalajara

Maestra en ciencias de la comunicación. Actualmente es estudiante del programa de doctorado en ciencias sociales.



How to Cite

Amaya Trujillo, J. (2012). History and social communication: some analytic vectors to explore a problematic (inter) relationship. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (26), 15–37. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/folios/article/view/11153


