Art as a tool of communication for social change: the case of Medellín


  • Liliana Patricia Mejía Betancur Paris University 13


La Hoja, Medellín, journalism, citizenship


The agenda of the city, the inclusion of profiles of illustrious citizens worthy of emulation, and the use of the ethos as a rhetorical proof, on the basis of the Argumentation Theory, did that the magazine La Hoja de Medellín is becoming, at the end of the Twentieth Century and at the beginning of the Twenty-first Century, into the framework of the conception of the communication media, as transformers of the social reality, in a critical historical moment for the city, marked by the effect of the drug trafficking crisis.

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Author Biography

Liliana Patricia Mejía Betancur, Paris University 13

Master in Culture and Communication, specialty: Cultural and Creative Industries: media, web, arts, from the University of Paris 8 (France), 2010. Fourth year PhD student in Information and Communication Sciences, University of Paris 13 (France). Member of the LabSIC ​​research group (Laboratory of Information and Communication Sciences) of the Paris 13 University.


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How to Cite

Mejía Betancur, L. P. (2016). Art as a tool of communication for social change: the case of Medellín. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (31), 59–74. Retrieved from


