The “Carrancista” press in Veracruz. 1915


  • Celia Del Palacio Montiel University of Xalapa


press, mexican revolution, México, everyday life


The present article shows how the press favorable to the first chief of the Mexican Revolution Venustiano Carranza worked in Veracruz in 1915, the year that the port of Veracruz was proclaimed capital of the country by the constitutional forces. This paper proves, through a thorough investigation based in hemerographic sources, how the press was a fundamental weapon for political proselytism of the Carrancista movement which didn't hesitate in financing periodicals in Veracruz, the same way he had done throughout the country. Finally, the authoress analyzes how the Carrancista press-somewhat a stranger to the customs of the local press-successfully took possession of the local public sphere. The article also shows how the press documents the transformations of everyday life in the midst of the violent Mexican revolution.

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Author Biography

Celia Del Palacio Montiel, University of Xalapa

Doctora in history. Researcher. Coordinator of the center for culture and communication studies.



How to Cite

Del Palacio Montiel, C. (2012). The “Carrancista” press in Veracruz. 1915. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (26), 39–63. Retrieved from


