Colombian journalism in the time of the "Frente Nacional". Between fighting against the informative consensus and struggling for the professionalization of the trade


  • Nelson Castellanos Prieto Pontifical Xavierian University


history of journalism, journalists, associations, professions, politics


The aim of this paper is to offer an overview of the first years of "Frente Nacional" (1958-1967) by identifying some of the actors and their relationships, as a way to deepen the study of journalism's professionalization process in Colombia. Among the actors we will highlight journalists associations, universities, international agencies and the Colombian State. Herein we propose three types of relationships: a journalism-politics relationship, in light of the two-party pact's consequences in the journalistic field; a second relationship among the unionizations that intended to associate journalists to defend interests common to the trade; and finally the relationship between journalism and the academy, taking into account the formalization of journalism studies in the first universities that offered a professional education in their study programmes.

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Author Biography

Nelson Castellanos Prieto, Pontifical Xavierian University

Historian. Master in Communication. Professor at the Faculty of Communication and Language. Author of several articles on the History of Radio in Colombia and member of the Communication, Culture and Citizenship research group of the Institute of Political Studies and International Relations (IEPRI).



How to Cite

Castellanos Prieto, N. (2012). Colombian journalism in the time of the "Frente Nacional". Between fighting against the informative consensus and struggling for the professionalization of the trade. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (26), 91–110. Retrieved from


