A study model of a platform of cultural resistance. The catalán magazine Serra D’or

La revista catalana Serra D’or


  • Carme Ferré Pavia Autonomous University of Barcelona


cultural studies, cultural magazines, intellectual platforms, cultural resistance, antifranquism, Serra D'or


Considering the most relevant issues that in the Catalan social communication field had to be studied, the cultural magazine Serra d'Or seemed to be one of the most outstanding. This journal was a real intellectual platform of cultural resistance to dictatorial Franco's regime in Spain. Serra d'Or wanted to recuperate the Catalan culture, then prohibited, and provides for part of the results of the study that reveals a publication model as part of a collective intellectual. It bases on a part of the research results and reveals the role of the magazine as a witness of that time, a generational bridge, a cultural showcase and an element of modernity dissemination during the sixties and seventies. It stands beside other publications that have yet a preferential diagnosis in the history of communication.

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Author Biography

Carme Ferré Pavia, Autonomous University of Barcelona

PhD in Communication. Professor of the Department of Media, Communication and Culture of the UAB and director of the research group Comress-Incom UAB (comress.org). She has been a researcher and a postgraduate teacher and research project advisor at the UPB (2007). She is the author of several monographs on the history of Catalan magazines and journalistic publishing.



How to Cite

Ferré Pavia, C. (2012). A study model of a platform of cultural resistance. The catalán magazine Serra D’or : La revista catalana Serra D’or. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (26), 111–128. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/folios/article/view/11157


