From telenovela’s history to historic telenovela. Format characteristics through TV industry’s development


  • Adrien J. Charlois Allende University of Guadalajara


history, telenovela, historical telenovela, television industry, México


This essay tries to take a leap on the analysis of a specific sub-format of the telenovela, historic telenovela, going from the history of the format through the industrial conditions and to the characteristics of the sub-format. Following the stages of the TV fiction industry suggested by Nora Mazziotti, we try to state the industrial part of a sub-format, which in Mexico has enabled the interrelation between national historical discourges with televised melodrama. Forgotten from the telenovela studies it has been necessary to rely in them to begin generating mediated historical narrations of its own media historiography.

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Author Biography

Adrien J. Charlois Allende, University of Guadalajara

Master in Communication. He is currently working as a research professor in the Department of Social Communication Studies at the University of Guadalajara. He also teaches courses on mass media and the history of radio and television in the History Department of the same institution. Since 2010 he is technical secretary of the magazine Comunicación y Sociedad.



How to Cite

Charlois Allende, A. J. (2012). From telenovela’s history to historic telenovela. Format characteristics through TV industry’s development . Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (26), 129–150. Retrieved from


