The state in the setting of the information age: genesis of process in the Andean Region


  • Carlos Germán Sandoval Forero National University of Colombia


connectivity, ICT, state, Andean Region, public policies


Paper provides an approach to the links between the State and the Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs), within the framework of the Andean Region and taking as focus the connectivity public policies. From a reconstruction of the processes that gave rise to the Agendas for Connectivity, we analyze the dynamics that shape the information age in the region. We analyzed the cases of Chile, Ecuador and Colombia to reflect on the State's conduct in the design of a digital, global and captivating world. In this context, the article points out the major debates of connectivity, such as its relationship with the neoliberal project of the nineties, the hegemony of global discourse on the Information Society and the adjustment of state citizen relationship through electronic government.

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Author Biography

Carlos Germán Sandoval Forero, National University of Colombia

Political scientist, Master in Analysis of contemporary political, economic and international relations problems. Researcher and teacher at the Institute for Political Studies and International Relations (IEPRI). Member of the International Relations Group-IEPRI.



How to Cite

Sandoval Forero, C. G. (2012). The state in the setting of the information age: genesis of process in the Andean Region . Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (26), 151–185. Retrieved from


