Pre- hispanic epistemologies of Latin America and psycho-social change: the case of the concepts of communication rights and media development

El caso de los conceptos derecho a la comunicación y desarrollo mediático


  • Evandro Vieira Ouriques Federal University of Rio de Janeiro


pre-hispanic epistemologies, communication rights, media development, psycho-social change, mental territory


The article draws attention to the urgency of including pre-hispanic epistemologies in Latin American communication thought. The autor considers the evidence of the non-dualistic nature of this knowledge to potentiate the psycho-social change, decisive to construct more symmetry in south-north relations and the consequent sustainability and democracy. As a particular case, the paper applies the non-dualistic epistemology to analyze the concepts communication rights and media development, from the psycho-political perspective of the concept mental territory ( created by the autor in the field of his psycho-political economy of communication and culture), taking into account the urgency to interlink the concept development with the concept of sustainable.

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Author Biography

Evandro Vieira Ouriques, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

PhD in Communication and Culture from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Coordinator of the nucleus of transdisciplinary communication studies.



How to Cite

Vieira Ouriques, E. (2012). Pre- hispanic epistemologies of Latin America and psycho-social change: the case of the concepts of communication rights and media development: El caso de los conceptos derecho a la comunicación y desarrollo mediático . Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (24), 121–140. Retrieved from


