Health, Gender and Media


  • Ángela María Rojas University of the Andes
  • Elvia Vargas Trujillo University of the Andes


sex, gender, health, welfare, identity, media


This article describes the role of media in the construction of gender identities  and  the  implications  of  these  processes  in  health  and wellness. The purpose is to educate people working in the media on the effect of exposure to messages transmitted in the construction of gender identities. Evidence on the relationship between cognitive gender,  health  and  welfare  of  women  and  men  are  presented  as well as some reflections on the importance of considering gender in creative processes, development and production of media messages.

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Author Biographies

Ángela María Rojas, University of the Andes

PhD student in Psychology. Master in Psychology, Psychologist.

Elvia Vargas Trujillo, University of the Andes

PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, leader of the Family and Sexuality Research Group of the Department of Psychology.


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How to Cite

Rojas, Ángela M., & Vargas Trujillo, E. (2012). Health, Gender and Media. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (23), 45–68. Retrieved from


