Cinema and poetry in the dark side of the heart,by Eliseo Subiela


  • Gabriel Vieira Posada University of Antioquia


film analysis, cinema and poetry, interdiscursivity, Eliseo Subiela, argentinian cinema


The relationship between cinema and literature has transformed during the past decades, allowing the emergence of films with great lyricism, freed from the compliance that literature commonly has expected from adapted films. This paper explores  poetic cinema through the analysis of a master-piece of Argentine cinema, The dark side of the heart, directed by Eliseo Subiela. It examines how different types of interdiscursive strategies work together in the film, in order to bring closer to the public the poetry pieces on which the film is based.  By means of a meticulous selection of poems and songs, Subiela immerses us in a surreal whirlwind of sensations about the search of the dreamed love. Intertexts and paratexts alternate with the satire in a statement that mixes different types of speeches: verbal, visual, mimetic, diegetic and non-diegetic sounds. Consequently, the spectator of The dark side of the heart not only sees but also feels these poems.

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Author Biography

Gabriel Vieira Posada, University of Antioquia

Researcher, teacher and audiovisual producer, he trained first as an electronic engineer at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Mede-llín, then he completed a Master's Degree in Documentary and Experimental Cinematography from the University of Paris-Sorbonne and a Master's Degree in Education and New Technologies from the University from Barcelona. He is currently a candidate for a Doctor of Arts at the University of Antioquia and coordinates the Master's Degree in Audiovisual Creation, the result of the alliance between the Faculties of Communication and Arts of said university. Member of the Communication, Journalism, and Society Group.


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How to Cite

Vieira Posada, G. (2013). Cinema and poetry in the dark side of the heart,by Eliseo Subiela. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (28), 27–49. Retrieved from



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