Journalism and communication for risk managementin the Andean region: journalitics discourse for a preventive and prospective approach

Discursos periodísticos y perspectivas para un enfoque prospectivo y preventivo


  • Rafael Obregón Ohio University
  • Jesús Arroyave University of the North
  • Marta Milena Barrios University of the North


risk management, framing, disaster news coverage, agenda setting


The  following  article  analyses  the  journalistic  discourses  and  the  representation of key topics related to disaster risk management in four Andean countries. This study uses as a theoretical framework of   media   and   journalistic   research,   such   as   Agenda   Setting   (journalistic  agenda)  and  Framing,  as  well  as  key  concepts  on disaster risk management. The article focuses on: 1) how a group of Andean  newspapers,  on  their  online  editions,  approached  and characterized risk management during the period April 2007 - July 2008; 2) the nature of the dominant journalistic discourses during that period; and 3) the implications of such discourses in the field of communication for disaster risk management. This article will provide empirical evidence to work as a common ground to guide future  actions  helping  journalists  and  communicators  to  better inform the community about risk management.

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Author Biographies

Rafael Obregón, Ohio University

Ph.D. in Communication, Pennsylvania State University. Associate Professor, School of Media Arts & Studies.

Jesús Arroyave, University of the North

Ph. D. in Communication, The State Universitity of Miami. Associate Professor, Department of Communication, Universidad del Norte. 

Marta Milena Barrios, University of the North

Associate Professor, Department of Communication, University of the North.


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How to Cite

Obregón, R., Arroyave, J., & Barrios, M. M. (2012). Journalism and communication for risk managementin the Andean region: journalitics discourse for a preventive and prospective approach: Discursos periodísticos y perspectivas para un enfoque prospectivo y preventivo. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (23), 105–135. Retrieved from


