Attitude toward the utility and risk of networks


  • Cruz García Lirios Autonomous University of the State of Mexico


technology, internet, perception, attitude, behavior


In reference to perceptual studies and risk utility of Information and Com-munication Technologies, the   present study, with a sample of 235 students ex-plain attitudes towards social networking. After reviewing the literature exists, a scale was constructed to establish normality (kurtosis = 1.66; Bootstrap = .000), reliability (alpha of .60), validity (KMO = .753, Bartlett = .000, 42% of the variance explained) and fit (X2 = 5.285, 11 df, P = .000, GFI = .94, RMR = .001) reflecting a structural model. The findings were discussed in comparison to the state of art in order to demonstrate the specificity of the indicators to establish constructs around social networks like attitudinal objects, multidi-mensional and ambivalent.

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Author Biography

Cruz García Lirios, Autonomous University of the State of Mexico



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How to Cite

García Lirios, C. (2014). Attitude toward the utility and risk of networks. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (29), 81–93. Retrieved from


