Rousseau 2.0: ou da compreensão pelo sujeito virtual


  • André de Paiva Bonillo Fernandes University of São Paulo


communication, comprehension as a method, constitution of subjects, virtual subject, thousands of virtual mirrors


In a world dominated by virtuality, the method of comprehension assumes the epistemological problem of  investigating who is the subject of comprehension. If the development of virtual faculties has led mankind to alienate itself from itself and, when one wishes to be seen, to be constituted from the perspective of the Other, children and teenagers have elected fame as the most important value for these times. If contemporary society is a society for activity and performance, the contemporary subject may only be constituted as a being who is fragmented in (and by) the thousands of virtual mirrors.

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Author Biography

André de Paiva Bonillo Fernandes, University of São Paulo

PhD student in Philosophy at the School of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences. Master of Philosophy from the University of São Paulo.


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How to Cite

Bonillo Fernandes, A. de P. (2019). Rousseau 2.0: ou da compreensão pelo sujeito virtual. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (39), 35–46. Retrieved from


