A opacidade do sofrimento humano decorrente de desastres sob a perspectiva do jornalismo humanitário


  • Victor Cilene Metodist University of São Paulo, Paulus College of Technology and Communication


communication, comprehension as a method, humanitarian journalism, humanitarian crisis, disaster and climate changes


Humanitarian  Journalism  is  establishing  its  first  foundations  in  the context  of  the  largest  humanitarian  crisis  since  the  end  of  World  War  II, in which there millions of people who are victims of hunger, armed conflicts, civil wars, of widespread violence, of disasters and climate changes. Albeit human suffering accompanies millions of people around the  world,  humanitarian  institutions  denounce  that  such  suffering is beared in silence, as a result of media omission and indifference. This essay, partly written as a first-person account, adopts the precepts and ways of comprehension for telling how we aim to build a kind of journalism which is capable to reduce human suffering and, above all, to prevent reporting routines to be work for silencing and opacity, for the “veil of forgetfulness” and the “routines of normality”

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Author Biography

Victor Cilene, Metodist University of São Paulo, Paulus College of Technology and Communication

PhD in Public Health from the University of São Paulo.Professor at the Postgraduate Program 
in Social Communication at the Methodist University of São Paulo and at the Paulus Faculty
of Technology and Communication.


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How to Cite

Cilene, V. (2019). A opacidade do sofrimento humano decorrente de desastres sob a perspectiva do jornalismo humanitário. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (40), 97–109. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/folios/article/view/338479


