O futebol e o espírito do tempo: narrativas midiáticas sobre a seleção brasileira e a cultura empreendedora


  • Vander Casaqui Methodist University of São Paulo


communication, comprehension as a method, entrepreneurial culture, narrative, inspiration


This essay deals with the media narratives that articulate the image of the  Brazil  national  football  team,  participant  of  the  2018  World  Cup,  with  the  precepts  and  prescriptions  of  the  entrepreneurial  culture.  In  this sense, the national tema is considered as an allegory of the nation at a certain historical moment, especially at the moment when the World Cup  is  held,  every  four  years.  The  theoretical  framework  is  based  on  the thesis on the new spirit of capitalism by Boltanski and Chiapello. We discuss football as an object and as a way of understanding Brazil, and we also deal with the narrative elements that construct the Brazilian national team in the media scene. One and other purpose insert the text into the concerns of the research group “Comprehension as a method”.

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Author Biography

Vander Casaqui, Methodist University of São Paulo

Doctor in Communication Sciences from the University of São Paulo. Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Social Communication at the Methodist University of São Paulo.


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How to Cite

Casaqui, V. (2019). O futebol e o espírito do tempo: narrativas midiáticas sobre a seleção brasileira e a cultura empreendedora. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (40), 235–250. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/folios/article/view/338490


