Músicas urbanas y alternativas en entornos rurales

dinámicas y representaciones del espacio, para encontrar un lugar en el mundo


  • Alexander Múnera Restrepo


Lugar, Espacio, Cotidianidad, Festival, Músicas urbanas y alternativas, Parque


The parks or main squares of many
municipalities with a rural vocation in Antioquia
continue to be meeting points, where people can
sit around them (inside or outside the commer
cial premises) to socialize and market products.
Given the importance of these areas, the differ
ent generations of the town (at least the major
ity) inhabit these places to see and be seen by
others. To the point of wanting to hold the largest
and most representative events in the main park,
including urban and alternative music festivals.
Holding these events on the street, in front of
everyone, is literally raising your voice and saying
here we are! It is modifying, even for a couple of
days, the traditional dynamics of the town, con
centrated in its main park; It is to gradually insert
other customs that, over the years, can become
the culture and heritage of their own territories.
Throughout this article, we will talk about the hold
ing of three urban and alternative music festivals
in eastern Antioquia and what it means for its
young people to develop this type of events in the
main park of their municipalities. Based on cate
gories such as ‘place’, ‘space’ and ‘everyday life’,
which will help us understand these meanings.

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Author Biography

Alexander Múnera Restrepo

Comunicador Social-Periodista (2007) y Magíster en Comunicaciones (2019) de la Universidad de Antioquia. Actualmente, docente de cátedra en el Pregrado de Periodismo de la misma institución. Medellín – Colombia.


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Heller, Ágnes. (1987) Sociología de la vida cotidiana. Barcelona: Península.

Lefebvre, Henry. (1974) La producción del espacio. Madrid: Capitán Swing.

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Múnera, Alexander. (2019). Tres festivales de músicas urbanas y alternativas en el oriente antioqueño. Una aproximación al verdadero rock de la provincia, desde sus dinámicas comunicativas. Nexus Comunicación. Edición 25 (enero-junio), 57-78. https://nexus.univalle.edu.co/index.php/nexus/article/view/8190

Múnera, Alexander. (2019). Guía de buenas prácticas para realizar un festival en entornos rurales. Medellín: Independiente. https://rtvc-assets-radionica3.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/field/files/article/festival_de_rock_en_entornos_rurales_compressed.pdf

Rosaldo, Renato. (2000). Cultura y verdad. La reconstrucción del análisis social. Quito: Abya-Yala.



How to Cite

Múnera Restrepo, A. (2024). Músicas urbanas y alternativas en entornos rurales: dinámicas y representaciones del espacio, para encontrar un lugar en el mundo. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (51-52), 94–100. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/folios/article/view/359080




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