War and information in Colombia:or the still endless dance


  • Gonzalo Medina Pérez University of Antioquia


war, globalization, terrorism, information, negotiation


When  talking  about  how  complex  the  gunned  conflict  in  Colombia  is,  two unavoidable  questions  come  up.  One  of  them  asking  about  the  viability  of  the hobbesian formula to figure out the sobereignty deficit existing in our country, while the other one inquires about the appropiateness of the duty for national construction, still in the development of globalization. For example, if we choose the second option,  political  negotiation  happens  to  be  a  necessary  start  point,  the  same  one which is engaged to create a political, public, colective and institutionalized order.

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Author Biography

Gonzalo Medina Pérez, University of Antioquia

Master in Political Science, Social Communicator, professor at the Faculty of Communications at the University of Antioquia. He is the current coordinator of the Interinstitutional and Interdisciplinary Group of Conflicts and Violence (Institute of Regional Studies -INER-).


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How to Cite

Medina Pérez, G. (2010). War and information in Colombia:or the still endless dance. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (21-22), 89–108. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/folios/article/view/6437



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