Alloimmunization in Patients dependent transfusion of red blood cells: systematic review


  • María Isabel Villa P. Univesity of Antioquia
  • Rocío Pérez Escobar Univesity of Antioquia



antibody irregulars , blood transfusion


One of the major complications of blood transfusions is alloimmunization; immune response stimulated by
exposure to foreign antigens such as erythrocyte, its incidence varies according to factors that influence their presentation as pregnancy, gender, age, disease basis of the patient, blood transfusion and its frequency.
Materials and methods
We conducted a systematic review by searching bibliographic databases like PubMed, SpringerLink, Bireme, Science Direct, keywords were used: alloantibodies, blood transfusion, irregular antibodies, alloinmunization, multitransfused, polytransfused, patients and red cell.
The initial search identified 2.354 potential articles, and were finally analyzed 21 articles that met inclusion
criteria. It was found that approximately 80% of the antibodies formed in transfusion-dependent patients are directed toward Rh and Kell systems, however, consider other antibodies such as those directed against Kidd system, Duffy, MNS and Lewis, among others.
The incidence of alloimmunization is associated with sociodemographic characteristics typical of the study population. The frequency of alloimmunization reported in the articles studied ranges between 7% and 30%. This increase in patients who are multitransfundidos. The prevention of alloimmunization to erythrocyte antigens is an important step leading to the development of different programs and the implementation of
strategies to ensure compatibles transfusions both patients requiring this procedure regularly.
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Author Biographies

María Isabel Villa P., Univesity of Antioquia

Microbiologist and Bioanalyst, University of Antioquia. Master in Microbiology and Bioanalysis, University of Antioquia.

Rocío Pérez Escobar, Univesity of Antioquia

Bacteriologist and Laboratorian, University of Antioquia. Master in education. Specialist in Hematology and Blood Bank.


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How to Cite

Villa P., M. I., & Pérez Escobar, R. (2012). Alloimmunization in Patients dependent transfusion of red blood cells: systematic review. Hechos Microbiológicos, 2(1), 63–69.



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