Bovine trypanosomiasis in female breed dairy cattle of region high Andean, Antioquia: a case report


  • Richard Zapata S. Univesity of Antioquia
  • Julián Reyes V. University of Antioquia



Trypanosoma sp, Entrerríos, dairy cattle, treatment


Trypanosomiasis is a tropical endemic disease usually reported in humid-temperate zones up to 1.000 masl. Recently, it has showed changes related to microorganism adaptation and expansion of risk zones triggered by ecological shifts of new agriculture systems, the current climate change, and animals’ mobility among different geographical areas. This paper aims to discuss a case report of Bovine Trypanosomiasis in a dairy producer region in the Andean high of Antioquia, Colombia.
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Author Biographies

Richard Zapata S., Univesity of Antioquia

Microbiólogo y bioanalista. Magíster en Microbiología y Bioanálisis. Línea Microbiología Veterinaria. Docente de la Escuela de Microbiología. Grupo de Investigación en Microbiología Veterinaria. Universidad de Antioquia.

Julián Reyes V., University of Antioquia

Veterinarian. Master in Epidemiology. Veterinary Microbiology Research Group, University of Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Zapata S., R., & Reyes V., J. (2013). Bovine trypanosomiasis in female breed dairy cattle of region high Andean, Antioquia: a case report. Hechos Microbiológicos, 2(2), 81–87.



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