Roadmap methodology to validate research results


  • Raimundo Castro O. University of San Buenaventura
  • Alicia Norma Alayón University of San Buenaventura



statistics & numerical data, regression analysis, data interpretation, statistical, data analysis, nonparametric, research design statistic (MeSH)


The construction of the objectives is one of the first steps to take in structuring a research project. This phase, like the into account first jump in the roadmap methodology, is continued by the operational definition for each of the variables, choosing the appropriate research study design and finished with the selection of the most suitable statistical tools. This article tries to illustrate with examples, the logic of this methodologies that, like a road map, can mark the difference in the validity of the investigation outcomes.
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Author Biographies

Raimundo Castro O., University of San Buenaventura

Pharmaceutical chemist; Master in Microbiology. University of San Buenaventura, Cartagena.

Alicia Norma Alayón, University of San Buenaventura

Biochemistry; Magister in Social Development; Master in Clinical Biochemistry. University of San Buenaventura, Cartagena. 


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How to Cite

Castro O., R., & Norma Alayón, A. (2014). Roadmap methodology to validate research results. Hechos Microbiológicos, 3(2), 81–90.



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