Methylation profile in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia: a systematic review
chronic myeloid leukemia, epigenetics, methylationAbstract
Introduction: DNA hypermethylation is involved in the transcriptional regulation of tumor suppressor genes in different types of hematological neoplasms including chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). A system-atic review was carried out following the indications proposed in the PRISMA guide (Preferred Report-ing Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes) aiming at identifying the main hypermethylated genes in patients with CML in the three clinical phases of the disease according to the scientific literature pub-lished between 2003 and 2013.
Methods: date and type of publication were taken into account as part of the eligibility criteria of the different studies. Only original articles, with the search terms in title, summary, and keywords were included, together with the studies that mentioned the clinical phase of patients’ illness. There was no filter applied per publication language. Lastly, 15 articles were ob-tained. A descriptive analysis of the same was then conducted, in which absolute and relative frequencies of place, person and time variables were calculated, with emphasis on the country, the clinical phase and the year of publication.
Results: during the hypermethylation analysis in patients with CML, a total of 39 genes classified as tumor suppressors, circadian cycle regulators, coding for transcription factors/receptors involved in DNA repair, pathways signaling and nucleotide metabolism, among others, were evaluated. In addition, a value of p = 0.000 was obtained in the multiple comparisons of the proportion of hypermethylation according to the clinical phase of the disease, establishing then a possible relationship between the progression of the disease and the percentage of methylation of those genes in patients with CML.
Conclusions :our results corroborate the absence of marker genes for progression by hypermethylation in CML and suggest individual gene studies to be fur-ther analyzed, in order to establish a causal relation-ship between the proportion of methylation and the progression of the disease.
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