Relationship between the sample volume and the recovery of bacteria from hemocultures: a descriptive study in a hospital in Medellín, Colombia
blood culture test, volume, blood, positivity, isolation, microorganismsAbstract
Introduction: blood cultures are one of the most important tools to determine the etiological agent causing sepsis and bacteremia. Sample volume is the most important variable that could affect the detection of microorganisms in blood. The aim of this research was to describe both the effect of the sample volume in obtaining a positive blood culture result and the microorganisms that cause bacteremia in patients from a hospital in Medellín, Colombia.
Methods: a total of 1643 bottles containing aerobic and anaerobic blood cultures of adult’s patients were studied. The average volume per blood culture bottle was established and compared, and the relationship between blood volume was also determined; there was a positive result for bacterial isolation and the most commonly isolated agents in the institution were described.
Results: out of the 1643 bottles with blood cultures, a volume of 10 mL was processed in 88,07 %, and from these, 9,43 % had positive isolation, which meant a significant association between the greater sample volume of the bottles and the positive results (p < 0,05). The most frequently isolated microorganisms were Escherichia coli, (21.74 %) and Staphylococcus aureus (17.39 %).
Conclusions: according to this report, the use of volumes between 8 and 10 mL of blood is the most appropriate, since it significantly increases the isolation of microorganisms from blood cultures. The frequency and species of microorganisms identified as a cause of bacteremia are closely related to the most common foci of sepsis and reflect the same pattern reported regionally.
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