Microbiological quality indicators in sewage water treatment systems by activated sludge
wastewater, indicators, activated sludge, protozoaAbstract
Introduction: activated sludge processes are commonly used for municipal and industrial wastewater treatment, where microorganisms turn organic substances (substrate) into CO2 and H2O through aerobic respiration. There are different physicochemical parameters that can influence the quality of the sludge, such as suspended solids (SS), settling solids (SSD), dissolved oxygen (DO), BOD5, COD, pH, ammonia nitrogen (N-NH3) and system toxicity; biological parameters include bacteria, protozoa, and metazoans. Among the latter, protozoa have been used as quality indicators of the process, to evaluate the performance of activated sludge. However, researchers have not yet found a consensus on quality indicators, and there is no approval of these systems.
ObjectIve: to describe the microbiological quality indicators in wastewater treatment systems by activated sludge through a systematic review of the scientific literature that may serve as a reference for future studies on the subject.
Methods: a systematic review of the literature pu-blished between 2005 and 2015 was conducted in the ScienceDirect and Scopus databases. The search yiel-ded a total of 17 original articles, filtered by inclusion and exclusion criteria. In addition, complementary li-terature from Google Scholar was included.
Results and conclusion: this study revealed wastewater nature as an important factor to determine community structures of microbiological indicators. In addition, there are distinct quality indicators for industrial, domestic and mixed waters which can still describe system performance.
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