Nisin as a food preservative: a systematic literature review


  • Daniela Cano Serna University of Antioquia
  • Antonia Gomez- Marin University of Antioquia
  • Vanessa Oviedo Gallego University of Antioquia
  • Leonardo Alberto Ríos Osorio University of Antioquia



antimicrobial, inhibition, food matrix, microorganism, nisin, preservation


Introduction:Currently,  one  of   the  most  impor-tant obligations of  the food industry is to be able to guarantee  product  innocuousness,  which  translates  into a need for preservatives.  Nisin, an antimicrobial peptide produced by Lactococcus lactis, holds the great-est  potential  as  a  natural  preservative  used  in  food  matrices. Nisin is the only bacteriocin that has been approved by the WHO to be used as a preservative in the food industry.

Objective:This  review  aims  at  describing  the  use  of   nisin  as  an  antimicrobial  in  different  dietary  ma-trices

Methods:A systematic search of  the literature was performed in Science Direct, Scopus and Springer. The search path was adjusted according to the algo-rithm  of   each  database.  After  the  evaluation  of   the  various inclusion and exclusion criteria, the search re-sulted in a total of  41 articles published between 2007 and 2017

Results and conclusion:  In  most  dietary  matrices  evaluated  -  cheeses,  milk,  meat,  and  wines,  among  others - it was possible to prove the effective elimina-tion of  pathogenic microorganisms with nisin and its contribution to the biopreservation of foods. Nisin helps extend the useful life of  these products without altering its sensory characteristics.

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Author Biographies

Daniela Cano Serna, University of Antioquia

Industrial and Environmental Microbiologist, University of Antioquia.


Antonia Gomez- Marin, University of Antioquia

Industrial and Environmental Microbiologist, University of Antioquia.

Vanessa Oviedo Gallego, University of Antioquia

Industrial and Environmental Microbiologist, University of Antioquia.

Leonardo Alberto Ríos Osorio, University of Antioquia

Researcher Professor, Bacteriologist and Clinical Laboratory Technician. Doctor in Sustainability, Industrial and Environmental Microbiologist, University of Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Cano Serna, D., Gomez- Marin, A., Oviedo Gallego, V., & Ríos Osorio, L. A. (2019). Nisin as a food preservative: a systematic literature review. Hechos Microbiológicos, 6(1-2), 52–64.



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