Report management of critical values in ambulatory patients of a clinical laboratory
ambulatory patient, adverse event, incident, notification, patient safety, critical valuesAbstract
Introduction: The clinical laboratory has gone from playing a passive role, focused on the analyti-cal quality of its results, to an active and leading role, based on clinical decisions and patient safety. In this study, we measured the reporting times of critical re-sults in outpatients in order to determine the adheren-ce to protocol by the staff of the Laboratorio Medico Echavarria.
Methods: A retrospective analysis of the critical re-sults released by the Laboratorio Médico Echavarría was conducted between July 2017 and June 2018. In total, a sample of 269 critical results for private outpa-tients was taken into account for the analysis.
Results: It was identified that 29 (10.7%) belonged to the coagulation section, 174 (64.6%) to the hema-tology section, 65 (24.1%) to the chemistry and hor-mones section and 1 (0.3%) to the basic immunology section. An average report time of 33.4 minutes was found in all sections.
Conclusions: Each laboratory must establish, con-trol and document the delay in communicating the critical results, based on its list of critical values and the population served; its reduction must be part of the continuous improvement in the quality manage-ment system that is followed.
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