Report management of critical values in ambulatory patients of a clinical laboratory


  • Catalina Madrid Osorio Echavarría Medical Laboratory
  • Johana Hernández Vargas Echavarría Medical Laboratory
  • Melisa Villa Echavarría Medical Laboratory
  • Mary Alejandra Restrepo Lozada Echavarría Medical Laboratory



ambulatory patient, adverse event, incident, notification, patient safety, critical values


Introduction: The  clinical  laboratory  has  gone  from  playing  a  passive  role,  focused  on  the  analyti-cal quality of its results, to an active and leading role, based on clinical decisions and patient safety. In this study, we measured the reporting times of  critical re-sults in outpatients in order to determine the adheren-ce to protocol by the staff  of  the Laboratorio Medico Echavarria.

Methods: A retrospective analysis of  the critical re-sults  released  by  the  Laboratorio  Médico  Echavarría  was conducted between July 2017 and June 2018. In total, a sample of  269 critical results for private outpa-tients was taken into account for the analysis.

Results: It was identified that 29 (10.7%) belonged to the coagulation section, 174 (64.6%) to the hema-tology section, 65 (24.1%) to the chemistry and hor-mones section and 1 (0.3%) to the basic immunology section. An average report time of 33.4 minutes was found in all sections.

Conclusions: Each laboratory must establish, con-trol  and  document  the  delay  in  communicating  the  critical results, based on its list of  critical values and the population served; its reduction must be part of  the continuous improvement in the quality manage-ment system that is followed.

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Author Biographies

Johana Hernández Vargas, Echavarría Medical Laboratory

Clinical Diagnostic Analyst in the Analytical Phase, Hematology Area, Echavarría Medical Laboratory.

Mary Alejandra Restrepo Lozada, Echavarría Medical Laboratory

Scientific Directorate, Echavarría Medical Laboratory.


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How to Cite

Madrid Osorio, C., Hernández Vargas, J., Villa, M., & Restrepo Lozada, M. A. (2020). Report management of critical values in ambulatory patients of a clinical laboratory. Hechos Microbiológicos, 10(1-2).



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