Evaluation of the red blood cell parameters in recurrent platelet donors from Medellín
Platelet apheresis, Blood donors, ErythrocytesAbstract
Introduction: The effect of repeated platelet donation by apheresis on the erythrogram is unknown for the Colombian population.
Objective: evaluate the changes in the erythroid line in regular plateletpheresis donors from two blood banks in Medellin.
Methods: Longitudinal study with 100 repetitive plateletpheresis donors with 3 donations or more. The source of information was the databases of the participating blood banks. Demographic data, time between donations and erythrocyte parameters were recorded in an excel database and analyzed using SPSS version 27.0 software. Variables were described using summary measures and the following statistical tests were used: Student's t-test, Mann-Whitney U, correlations, paired t-test, and Wilcoxon, considering a level of statistical significance of <0.05.
Results: 58% of the donors were women, 75% were 30 years old or older, and 70% resided in the metropolitan area. No statistically significant differences were observed for hemoglobin according to sex and age group, the MCV increased in the second, third and fourth donations compared to the first, the HCM decreased in the fourth donation compared to the first, and the CHCM decreased continuously between donations.
Conclusions: Changes in erythrocyte parameters were observed in recurrent platelet donors corresponding to normal compensatory medullary mechanisms without clinical involvement of the donors. Complementary studies are suggested to evaluate other variables related to erythropoiesis and the effects of extracorporeal circulation during plateletpheresis.
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