Suicide and Survival in Juan Carlos Onetti’s «El posible Baldi», «Bienvenido, Bob» and Cuando entonces


  • Juan Carlos Jiménez Tobón University of Antioquia



Juan Carlos Onetti, suicide, survival, absurd, reality, fiction


In Juan Carlos Onetti’s work, there are two kinds of characters: suicidal characters and survivors. This article studies the reasons why the Uruguayan writer built his work through this contrast game in three of his short stories: «El posible Baldi», «Bienvenido, Bob» and Cuando entonces, and how this is related to French writer, Albert Camus’ the Mythe de Sisyphe. Under this premise: suicidal characters are often associated with defeated beings while survivors shape their own salvation because they discover inhabitants from an absurd world.

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Author Biography

Juan Carlos Jiménez Tobón, University of Antioquia

Hispanist philologist from the University of Antioquia. Master's degree student in Literature at the same university. He is a finalist for the Universidad de Antioquia National Culture Awards (2015), in the category «Essay in criticism of art and culture». He works as a copyeditor for cultural publications such as the magazine Códice, from the Universidad de Antioquia Museum, and the magazine Etnia: Identidad y Diversidad Cultural. He teaches in the areas of Textual Analysis and Reading Competence



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How to Cite

Jiménez Tobón, J. C. (2016). Suicide and Survival in Juan Carlos Onetti’s «El posible Baldi», «Bienvenido, Bob» and Cuando entonces. Lingüística Y Literatura, 37(70), 121–133.



Literary studies