Generous and empathic, or pragmatic and utilitarian? The arguments of chilean elderly people confronted with a social dilemma


  • Cristián Santibáñez Catholic University of the Most Holy Conception



elderly people, argument, lexicometry, keywords


This paper discusses some results of a research on the argumentative faculty in older adults (aged over 65) from three regions of Chile, particularly their written responses to a social dilemma. The results indicate that older adults who choose to empathize with the protagonist of the social dilemma are mostly 70-year-old women and more educated. Their arguments show greater density in terms of the quantity and relevance of reasons to support their point of view.

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How to Cite

Santibáñez, C. (2018). Generous and empathic, or pragmatic and utilitarian? The arguments of chilean elderly people confronted with a social dilemma. Lingüística Y Literatura, 40(75), 174–208.



Research articles