

  • J. Divitt ED. G Velosa EAN University
  • Ernesto Córdoba Nieto National University of Colombia




Virtual labs, Virtual Education, Infrastructure Technology laboratories


Education and training has been significantly impacted by the rapid expansion of the Internet and
also by the global growth, and now is requiring for virtual media tools and tele-operated in order
to strengthen the different disciplines. The research and knowledge in the materials science and
engineering, and the manufacturing processes are critical to the industry and technological development of a country, but for the formation experimentation is vital. In this line, there are
factors that affect negatively the traditional training, resulting in students unsuccessful in the use
and testing laboratories.
• Limited time availability of the laboratory and expensive equipment
• Limited space and industrial safety factors in the laboratory
• System competency-based assessment (self-assessment and independent learning)
• Use of laboratory research practices-increased time available
• Difficulty to travel and schedule students-distance education To salve these difficulties, the
academia and technology have presented different alternatives with different scopes. This paper presents taxonomy and analysis of e-Learning strategies, virtual structure, and examples for learning and research in materials and manufacturing processes, taking advantage of high-speed networks, new ICT technology and laboratories interconnection projects of various institutions. The skills needed and required of these taxonomies and typologies are confronted with that each medium and tools provide. Training requirements are different for technical, professional, researcher or company
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Author Biographies

J. Divitt ED. G Velosa, EAN University

Mechanical Engineer, MBA, MSc in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, EAN University. Bogotá D.C., Colombia

Ernesto Córdoba Nieto, National University of Colombia

Mechanical Engineer, MSc in Production and Design Engineering, National University of Colombia. Bogotá D.C., Colombia


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How to Cite

G Velosa, J. D. E., & Córdoba Nieto, E. (2014). Revista Colombiana De Materiales, (5), 114–122. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rcm.19440