

  • Lyda Rojas Industrial University of Santander
  • Fernando Viejo Industrial University of Santander




Cassava peel, Agricultural wastes, Particle boards, Recycling materials


This study aims to find alternative raw material for the manufacture of organic particle boards from agricultural wastes and biodegradable adhesives. After analyzing the various raw materials, peel cassava was selected as a structural component for the manufacture of particle boards. It was
used an aqueous dispersion of polyvinyl acetate (Colbón MH-339 ®) as binding agent due to its biodegradable nature. Cassava peel was then processed by mechanical pulping, drying, milling and
sieving. Later, it was mixed with polyvinyl acetate in different mass ratios, from 1:2 to 1:10 (adhesive: cassava peel). The resultant mixture was pressed and dried to get a 10x10 cmparticle board shell.
Subsequently the panels were characterized by physical, chemical, and mechanical testing, which allowed to determine its apparent density, average moisture, hardness and environmental resistance, among others. It was concluded that particle boards made from peel cassava and Colbón MH-339 ® are novel and friendly materials with the environment, which in the future could replace wood chipboards and toxic adhesives. Further, specimens produced with 1:2 and 1:4 adhesive: cassava peel mass ratio were the most suitable for commercial applications.
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Author Biographies

Lyda Rojas, Industrial University of Santander

School of Chemical Engineering, GIMAT Research Group, Industrial University of Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia

Fernando Viejo, Industrial University of Santander

School of Chemical Engineering, GIMAT Research Group, Industrial University of Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia


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How to Cite

Rojas, L., & Viejo, F. (2014). Revista Colombiana De Materiales, (5), 158–163. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rcm.19446