Thermal, chemical and mineralogical characterization of a type of red clay at the Colombian Andean Region, used for the production of bricks for construction
red clays, colorimetry, Atterberg limits, X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric and thermodiformal analysis, particle size distributionAbstract
A sample of red clay from the Supía area was studied (Caldas, Colombia). Its chemical composition and crystalline phases were found. In addition to the particle size distribution and thermal analysis, it was also determined the density and Atterberg's limits. Finally, there were evaluated by a thermal treated samples at 1050° C and the physical properties of the samples such as the color, the apparent porosity and the specific density. The analysis of X-ray diffraction allowed to identify the crystalline phases associated to the clay sample, finding the mineral phases characteristic of this type of materials. X-ray fluorescence analysis showed elemental chemical percentages that are consistent with X-ray diffraction. On the other hand, color coordinates have adequate values for the desired use. The results show that it is an inorganic clay of medium plasticity, that it is possible to apply this type of red clay, as the raw material for the manufacture of commercial bricks.
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