
  • Jhoan Alexis Mina Córdoba Advanced Technology Center
  • Carlos Poblano Salas Advanced Technology Center
  • Oscar Barcina Sánchez Research Center for Applied Science and Advanced Technology
  • John Henao Research Center for Applied Science and Advanced Technology
  • Jorge Corona Castuera Advanced Technology Center



additive manufacturing, knee prosthesis, gyroid structure, customization, design


Custom orthopedic replacement system designs represent a new challenge for biomedical industry; the anatomical characteristics of the patient and the density of the bone tissue to be replaced are two essential elements for the design and manufacture of such devices. The present project describes a pr otocol for the development of a tibial plateau design for a total knee replacement system basedon the information obtained from X-ray computational tomography. The protocol describes the measurement of the apparent bone density based on this information; also, the determination of some mechanical constants such as Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio. Finally, the results of the apparent bone density were compared with values of density obtained in gyroid cell structures, previously developed by the work gr oup. Likewise, the design of a press-fit fixation stem using this type of cellular structure is presented.
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Author Biographies

Jhoan Alexis Mina Córdoba, Advanced Technology Center

Researcher, Advanced Technology Center (CIATEQ A.C.), Querétaro, México.

Carlos Poblano Salas, Advanced Technology Center

Researcher, Advanced Technology Center (CIATEQ A.C.), Querétaro, Mexico.

Oscar Barcina Sánchez, Research Center for Applied Science and Advanced Technology

Researcher, Research Center for Applied Science and Advanced Technology (CICATA), National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), Querétaro Unit, México.

John Henao, Research Center for Applied Science and Advanced Technology

Researcher, Research Center for Applied Science and Advanced Technology (CICATA), National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), Querétaro Unit, México.

Jorge Corona Castuera, Advanced Technology Center

Professor, Advanced Technology Center (CEATEQ A.C.), Querétaro, Mexico.


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How to Cite

Mina Córdoba, J. A., Poblano Salas, C., Barcina Sánchez, O., Henao, J., & Corona Castuera, J. (2021). DESIGN OF A CUSTOMIZED PRESS-FIT TIBIAL COMPONENT FOR A KNEE REPLACEMENT SYSTEM FOR ITS MANUFACTURE THROUGH DMLS. Revista Colombiana De Materiales, (17), 20.


