City and the children: childhood recovered in Medellín’s neighborhoods


  • Ana Carolina Montoya MAMM
  • Carolina Henao MAMM


La ciudad y los niños, Museo de Arte Moderno de Medellín, museum and city, reading promotion, writing, listening, visual arts


LCity and the children (La ciudad y los niños) is a project of Museo de Arte Moderno de Medellín in partnership with a private company (Bancolombia), based on approaches by Francesco Tonucci, an Italian psychologist who implemented actions for recognition and achievement of children’s proposals concerning the city they want. The process developed by this Museum in the city has revealed the interesting special features proposed by children, as well as their expressive and creative skills.


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Author Biographies

Ana Carolina Montoya, MAMM

Reading Promoter and Degree in Spanish Language and Literature, Universidad de Antioquia. Literature teacher of the La Ciudad y Los Niños project, Museum of Modern Art of Medellín (MAMM).

Carolina Henao, MAMM

Education mediator at MAMM and last semester student of Plastic and Visual Arts at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín. Visual arts teacher of the La Ciudad y Los Niños project, MAMM.


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Velthuijs, Max, 1997, Sapo es sapo, Venezuela, Ekaré



How to Cite

Montoya, A. C., & Henao, C. (2017). City and the children: childhood recovered in Medellín’s neighborhoods. Revista Educación Y Pedagogía, 25(65-66), 138–148. Retrieved from


