Michel Foucault and the critical post-structuralist feminist turn in education research
Michel Foucault, education research, critical post-structuralism, genderAbstract
This article presents contributions made by different education researchers, with the purpose of situating Michel foucault's influence upon the critical post-structuralist feminist turn. Firstly, there is a review of the questions posed by critical poststructuralism by means of re conceptualizing the notions of discourse an power that make possible the visualization of truth regimes in education. Secondly, the contributions of critical post-structuralist feminist pedagogies are described. These contributions re interpret Foucault in terms of power relations, and subjectivity and gender production; They also support the need for analyzing practices we develop as researchers in our daily work. And lastly, this article identify main themes for study and suggests some problematizations in order to continue doing research from this perspective.
How to reference this article:
RIFÀ VALLS, Montserrat, “Michel Foucault y el giro postestructuralista critico feminista en la investigación educativa” En: Revista Educación y Pedagogía, Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de Educación, Vol XV Nº 37, (septiembre-diciembre), 2003, pp.71-83.
Received: september 2003
Accepted: october 2003
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